Our team

Get to know us a little here, and you'll be able to put some names to faces when you first visit St Luke's.


Senior Minister

Loves coffee, football, beach time, seeing the grace of Jesus change lives. Married to Mera with three kids. 


Director of Kids + Youth / mark@clovelly.org.au

Mark and his wife Larissa have three kids, Isaac, Imogen and Caitlin. He loves the beach, and pretty much any sport - but his greatest passion is to see new life for kids, youth and families.


Director of Ministry (P/T)

Fiona enjoys time with friends, especially when she gets to cook for them! She loves seeing lives transformed by the love and grace of God in Jesus. She’s married to Ryan, with two fun kids.


Youth + Young adults (P/T)

Amani heads up our Clovelly Youth group, as well as helping our whole church go deeper in devotion to God. He supports the Sydney Thunder, and is married to Em.


Office Administrator (P/T)

Kate loves cooking, books and musicals. She is married to Lachy with two kids.

Hours:   Monday: 10:30-2:30, Tuesday: 12:30 - 4:30, Friday 9am-1pm.

Community Group leaders

Much of the real action at St Luke’s happens in our Community Groups. We’re so thankful for our Community Group leaders who care for these little communities within our church community, who rally the troops, and who help chart the future for our church as a whole.

Wardens and Parish Council

As an Anglican church, we elect representatives each February/March to help us pursue our vision. These include a 'Parish Council' who govern our finances and property, and Wardens who administer them.  You can read about their responsibilities here.

Those elected/appointed at our 2024 AGM:
Wardens: Prof. C. Bellenger, Dr. S. Gerber, S. Groves.
Parish Councillors: A. Brickell, D. Columbro, M. Jothy.
Synod Representatives (for the 2023-25 triennium): A/Prof. Prof. Bellenger, G. Oxley.

Our Safe Ministry Representative: 
J. Woodhouse (contact)